Differential Pressure Sensors / Huba Type 698 Difference Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -5 ... 5 mbar / 0 ... 1 – 10000 mbar)

Huba Type 698 Difference Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -5 ... 5 mbar / 0 ... 1 – 10000 mbar)

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Pressure range -5 ... 5 mbar / 0 ... 1 – 10000 mbar


The pressure modules type 698 are suitable for monitoring pressure and flow in air conditioning systems and in the laboratory sector. The module is optionally available with a 3 digit LED display, two limit value switches (potential free) as well as a square root extraction.

Name product : Huba Type 698 Difference Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -5 ... 5 mbar / 0 ... 1 – 10000 mbar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15