Pressure Transmitters / Huba Type 519 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.4 – 60 bar)

Huba Type 519 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.4 – 60 bar)

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Pressure range 0 ... 0.4 – 60 bar


The pressure transmitter type 519 has a compact and robust design and a very high measurement accuracy. The flush diaphragm offers the use in the process technique of pasty media. Beside various pressure- and electrical connectors there are pressure ranges from 400 mbar to 60 bar full scale available. This sensor utilises a ceramic technology, developed by Huba Control and for the last 20 years, in millions of applications.

Name product : Huba Type 519 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.4 – 60 bar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15