Pressure Transmitters / Huba Type 526 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 0.6 bar)

Huba Type 526 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 0.6 bar)

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Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 0.6 bar


The compact type 526 pressure transmitter is based upon the well proven ceramic technology developed by Huba Control over 20 years ago.

The pressure transmitter with it’s large variety of pressure- and electrical connection has also pressure ranges from 100 mbar full scale. These units are available in high quantities for OEM customers with an excellent price to performance ratio.

Name product : Huba Type 526 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 0.6 bar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15