Pressure Transmitters / Huba Type 558 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 6 – 60 bar)

Huba Type 558 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 6 – 60 bar)

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Pressure range 0 ... 6 – 60 bar


The pressure transmitter type 558 meets the highest requirements for the industry and vehicle manufacturing. This sensor is available with protection standard IP67 or IP69K. The optional pressure orifice prevents damage due to pressure peaks.

The compact and rugged design meets the requirement of shock- and vibration stability according road vehicle standards ISO 16750. The pressure transmitter type 558 guarantees highest EMC stability according to various road vehicle regulations with test level up to 100V.

This sensor utilises a ceramic technology, developed by Huba Control and for the last 20 years, in millions of applications.

Name product : Huba Type 558 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 6 – 60 bar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15