Differential Pressure Sensors / Huba Type 401 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 3 – 8 mbar)

Huba Type 401 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 3 – 8 mbar)

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Pressure range 0 ... 3 – 8 mbar


Type 401 pressure transmitters sense ultra fine changes in air
pressure and are designed to provide optimum control. The dual
component diaphragm with it’s unique geometry, gives highly sensitive
operation and excellent repeatability, even in the range below 20

Name product : Huba Type 401 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 3 – 8 mbar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15