Differential Pressure Sensors / Huba Type 699 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -1 ... 1 mbar / 0 ... 0.3 – 50 mbar)

Huba Type 699 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -1 ... 1 mbar / 0 ... 0.3 – 50 mbar)

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Pressure range -1 ... 1 mbar / 0 ... 0.3 – 50 mbar


The type 699 transmitters are available in switchable pressure ranges and with or without display. The full-version includes customer specific adjustment possibilities. Especially developed sensors for each pressure range ensure accurate long term stable measurement and the large variety of options provide the perfect platform for use in air conditioning technology as well as for fine measurement in the industrial and medical environment.

Name product : Huba Type 699 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -1 ... 1 mbar / 0 ... 0.3 – 50 mbar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15